Monday, May 27, 2013

My First Taste of Culture Shock!

Culture Shock- the realization that you are actually crazy enough to make an educated choice to live in a place that has nothing familiar!- Holly Jones's definition:)

 At first when we stepped off the plane in Johannesburg South Africa, we went through some major culture shock. We were in, what felt and looked like, America! There were grocery stores, and Malls, and movie theaters, and restaurants that were in actual buildings! I didn't even know I had missed all of these things until I saw them. Then the familiarity of all those things made me homesick for all those things I had left behind! We stayed in a place that had clean water from the faucet! We had electricity all day, and for once in the last several months we were not dripping in sweat! It was refreshing in countless ways for us........BUT I couldn't fathom wanting to return to our home in the rainforest of Madagascar without all of these things again! I felt like I had been tricked into living in a place so isolated, and removed from civilization! That is why I think they call it culture shock, because you are shocked that you were actually crazy enough to CHOOSE to live in a place that is so different than the culture you are used to! These feelings were so strong at first, it was hard to think about anything besides all that I had missed, and would continue to miss when we return to Madagascar! Then after a few days passed, the excitement of all the stores and civilization wore off, and it was quite clear...... as an American I am programed from a young age to love all of these material things, and just because I made a one time choice to give up all of my material possessions and life in America, doesn't mean that I still won't be enticed to have all of those things if the opportunity presents itself! The love for those things is rooted deep in my heart. But here is the bad part, I know that the love for materialism is sin, and is really only an empty promise that there is peace and joy in those things....... but the love for something familiar, now that presents a problem! It is the reason that receiving a care package can change your day, or that a message from a friend can lift your spirits.  It is like a little piece of home has made itself to us, and we LOVE that! There is the emotion of comfort that is prompted and attached to the things that are familiar.  As missionaries, our lives have been trying to find a routine in a life where there is no such thing, and we try our hardest to do that because that is what we are used to, it is familiar, and that provides comfort!
 So we cope by trying to make a new familiar, and we succeed in that. But when faced with the old familiar once again, it always makes the new familiar seem to be a bit of a joke! I don't know that the "old" familiar will always win out, maybe after years of making good memories with the "new" familiar it will stand a chance, but for now, in my life I long for the familiar!

It is only because of who God is, and His promises of wanting good for my life, His faithfulness, and Love that I am able to trust, and be certain of these things: That leaving what is familiar and comfortable, despite the way things may FEEL, when asked by God, will always be the best possible thing for my life. It will enable me to endure suffering if need be, and experience joy and peace that passes understanding! It also allows me to experience this crazy adventure that I would have missed out on had I followed my selfish heart!  I am so thankful for this adventure and this time of learning in my life! Thank you to all of you who have continued to pray for us!

1 comment:

  1. We love you both and are praying for peace and Joy....with God and with your surroundings. HUGS!!


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