Sofina has gained a little weight, and is eating everything that they are putting in front of her! There also happened to be a fellow missionary from Madagascar that I had never met before, but who had heard of Sofina's story, and was in Kenya, who was able to visit Sofina and her mother, and speak Malagasy with them. I am sure this was such a comfort to the mom, since she hasn't likely understood much of what is going on!
Also Bertrand(the Malagasy Doc) who does not speak English, was able to learn and observe American doctors do surgeries on Monday, and it turns out that the anesthesiologist that was working in the Operating room was from Madagascar, and knew Malagasy, so he was able to communicate everything that he needed to to make it a great learning experience, and to improve his skills for working in Madagascar! I spoke with Bertrand on the phone last night, and he could hardly contain his excitement for all that he was learning, and how amazing and big the hospital was. The training to be a doctor in Madagascar is very different than from the states. He went to 2 years of school after high school, and can't read or write English but all of the medical books he learned from are in English. Now, he does the work of an anesthesiologist, but has very little knowledge or training on what he is doing, but he does the best that can be done considering the training that is available. He had to sacrifice a lot to be able to go to Kenya with this little girl, but he did it all with absolute Joy! He would love to know more about the work that he does, but has never had the opportunity to learn. He told me last night that he hasn't been sleeping so that he can stay up working on his English so he can understand what they are saying in the operating room. He will have a huge impact on all of the doctors here, and quite possibly be able to improve the care that all of Northeastern Madagascar receives!
Now for the next part of this Journey!
Sofina is still not able to have the Surgery, her little heart is not as strong as a normal heart due to malnutrition, and she is recieving blood again today, in hopes that they will be able to do the surgery on Thursday. Thursday is the last day the surgeons will be there. The risks of complications in this surgery is very high! That is why I am asking you to continue to pray for Sofina! I feel as though this is the toughest part of this journey for her, and her family. I am again begging you to continue with me in prayer for this little girl, and praising God for all that He has already done! I hope that you are able to see that as a result of all the praying that so many of you are doing, things that are impossible are made possible. My heart is full and so grateful to know that you are all praying with me, and God has not just called me to Madagascar and to love the people, but he has also called you to love the Malagasy as well, and you are doing an amazing job of showing the people His love for them!
With Love,
Our Sunday School class at Trinity prayed for Sofia on Sunday and will continue to do so. Thank you for keeping us posted. God is faithful. Allison Walling
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to beg, just ask! Lots of prayer going on and so many good things happening. Sounds like her spirit is a strong one even if her body is frail.
DeletePrayers that she can have the surgery.