I just wanted to let you know how things are going with Sofina! We went to her village yesterday to tell her parents about what had been transpiring since the first time I posted about her, asking for prayer. I told them many people all over the world had been praying for them, and asking God to heal their daughter, and now God had made a way for that to happen. They received this news much like I had anticipated, didn't even crack a smile. They were terrified. They didn't appear to be thankful, and it pretty much seemed like there was no way they would do the surgery. We talked and decided it would be better if they thought about it overnight, and then could make a decision in the morning. I was pretty sure they wouldn't do the surgery.
This morning I was greeted with a very smiley father, Sofina's father! He came to our house, and wanted to thank us, and tell us that he was very ready for his daughter to have the surgery that could save her life. He was still terrified, and asked me some pretty tough questions, like " If she dies there will you send her body home." I was surprised at how much fear he had, and then I was amazed at the courage this man showed. He was such a different man from the one I had encountered yesterday!
I know that God has done all of these things for this sweet little girl, and I know that this came to be because of the many of you who prayed for her. Please keep praying, her body is so frail, and there are many obstacles that we still face in getting her to Kenya.
Wonderful news!